Register for our scheduled classes, ideal for individuals and small businesses.
Fully customisable class with an instructor of your choice at convenient locations determined by you. Ideal for medium to large businesses.
Problem-solving sessions instead of a traditional training class. Consultancy services uncover the root of the problems and advise actionable solutions.
Recognized by Malaysia government, our Trainings are HRDF claimable and therefore highly accessible and affordable for employers from private, government and corporate sectors who wish to keep their workforce trained and updated.
MAHSA Academy Sdn Bhd is an HRDF approved centre for SBL scheme trainings (MyCoID 1058504D), and therefore all our trainings and workshops are HRDF claimable under the Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL Scheme and SBL-Khas), subject to prior application to HRDF by the employers and PSMB's approval. For trainings under the SBL-Khas Program, fees will be paid by PSMB to our training centre on behalf of employers based on claims we submit upon completion of training. No upfront payment is required. For more information, visit